This web site delivers data in a small number of ways. This web page describes and demonstrates some of those ways.
Graphs ("plots") are used to show the level of activity between FT8 senders and receivers, and the distance between those receivers, as they vary throughout a day. The x-axis shows the time during the day. The UTC (aka GMT) time zone is used unless otherwise indicatd, but the letter "Z" is used to improve readability, e.g. "04:00Z" for 4:00AM, GMT.
These concepts and terms are used throughout this web site:
Here is an example of a spot count plot. It shows the number of spots that were reported during each five-minute period of a specific day, on the 6m band, including all reports from around the world. This plot helps us understand the level of activity on that band.
Several factors drive the level of activity:
We can repeat the above plot, but also add little box-and-whisker plots, one per 5-minute period. Together they show us whether this particular day's activity level is normal, at a global scale, but at many times during the day.
We see that there were many more reports than normal, from 07:00 to 09:00 UTC.
The previous box plots omitted "outliers" - the number of spots on a recent day where the count was extremely different from the other previous days. This next plot includes the outliers. They may have been from one recent day, when there was an opening.
The global plots above give us a very big-picture view, but don't help us see activity in different regions of the world. We can zoom in to a per-field view, as shown below. As before, the blue line shows the spot count, and we also add a green line for the subset of spots where the sender and receiver were separated by more than 1,000 km.
We see that the vast majority of spots are for distances under 1,000 km.
Speaking of distance, we can view the average distance between sender and receiver, and the average distance excluding distances less than 1,000 km. Note that the y-axis no longer shows spot count, but the distance between sender and receiver.
Note the brief spike at 17:00 UTC.
Finally, we can add box plots for recent days in order to look for unusual activity. Note that many recent days had a spike at 17:00 UTC. Why?